
Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael, who is one of the Seven Archangels, is also more famously known as the warrior angel, or “the leader of the Heavenly Hosts.” Although we don’t have an exact story for the blessed Archangel, there are numerous mentions of him in the Bible.

For one, Archangel Michael is mentioned directly in the book of Revelation, where “Michael and his angels fought with the dragon… so the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.” He is the only known Archangel to have directly fought with the devil and numerous great wars in the name of the Lord.

Secondly, Archangel Michael is the only archangel in the Bible who is directly mentioned with the title of “Archangel.” This can be found in the Book of Jude where it says, “Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil.” (Jude 1:9)

Lastly, Archangel Michael is known as the leader of the Heavenly Hosts and the protector of the people of Israel. In the book of Daniel, it is stated that, “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.” (Daniel 10:13). Alongside that, he is recalled as the protector of the people of Israel when, “At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book.” (Daniel 12:1).

Although we may not have stories for Archangel Michael like we do for other Archangels such as Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel, we know he is of great importance as the leader of the Heavenly Hosts and the Lord’s warrior angel. We celebrate his commemoration on the 21st day of November, or the 12th day of the blessed month of Hathor in the Coptic Calendar. May his holy blessings be with us all.

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