
Pope Kyrillos VI

Pope Kyrillos (Cyril) VI

Pope Kyrillos VI is a modern-day saint, who has performed many miracles, protected his flock, and converted others to the Orthodox faith.

He was born to godly and righteous parents, who raised him with the knowledge of the Bible. During his childhood, a monk from a nearby monastery foretold his future life as a monk. After studying the Holy Scriptures and the church’s rituals and hymns, he became a monk by the name of Mina el-Baramousy in July 1927.

He was known for having a strong connection with with his name-sake Saint Mina the Wonderworker. He practiced a solitary life, in which he lived in a distant cave in the desert and only went to the monastery for vespers and liturgy services.

After the departure of Pope Yousab II (Joseph), the 115th Pope of Alexandria, Father Mina el-Baramousy was chosen to be the 116th Pope with the name of Pope Kyrillos VI. Despite all of his accomplishments and achievements in helping the Orthodox Faith, he humbled himself by eating mainly only dry bread and salt everyday.

He was known for renovating and redesigning churches and monasteries, including Saint Mina and Anba Samuel the Confessor’s monasteries.

When God wished to receive this blessed soul in the Paradise of Joy, Pope Kyrillos had a brief illness, which resulted in his departure in march 9, 1971. The blessings and prayers of this blessed saint be with us all. Amen.

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